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Agrelia (wild asparagus)
Agrelia (wild asparagus)

(serves 4)

• 2 bunches (300g) wild asparagus cut and trimmed
• 4 eggs
• ½ cup olive oil
• Juice of one lemon
• Salt
• Freshly ground pepper


1. Cut the spears of wild asparagus and wash thoroughly with water.
2. In a nonstick pan pour the olive oil and add the wild asparagus.
3. Sautee the asparagus by stirring over low heat for a few minutes and season with salt
and pepper to taste.
4. Mix the eggs with a whisk and add them to the pan,
so that it is evenly distributed and looks like an omelet.
5. Then add the lemon juice.
6. Finally add fresh herbs such as oregano, mint and parsley.

Chef's tip:

• Boil asparagus for just a minute in hot water, before placing them in the pan,
to remove the bitter taste.
• Wild asparagus, except fried with eggs, is also delicious as pickles.
• In Cyprus asparagus appears after the first rains and runs through spring.


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