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Glyko Karpouzi (Watermelon Sweet Preserve)
Glyko Karpouzi (Watermelon Sweet Preserve)


(25 servings)

1 kg watermelon rind (enough for 25 pieces)

Juice of 1 lemon

½ cup cooking lime (calcium hydroxide)

1½ kg sugar

1 litre water

½ tsp vanilla essence



Peel the rind on both sides leaving only the white part. Cut into 25 square pieces.

Place the watermelon pieces into a bowl, cover with water and cooking lime and leave for two hours.

Rinse very well under running water.

Transfer the watermelon into a large saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until cooked.

Strain well and return to the saucepan with 1 litre of water, the sugar and lemon juice. Simmer until the syrup is thickened and lightly caramelised (about 30 minutes).

Add the vanilla.

Store in sterilised jars when cold.

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