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You are here:Home»Discover Cyprus»Thematic Routes»Guided Tours»Discover the old Lefkosia (Nicosia) and its walls
Discover the old Lefkosia (Nicosia) and its walls
Discover the old Lefkosia (Nicosia) and its walls

Lefkosia, the only divided capital in the world, is situated practically in the centre of Cyprus and constitutes a rich cultural hub. The history of the city dates back to the Bronze Age. In antiquity and in early Christian times it was known as Ledra. It has been the capital of Cyprus since the Late Byzantine period (11th century). The Lusignans transformed it into a splendid city, with royal palaces and churches. The city centre, the old “Chora”, surrounded by 16th century walls, with museums, old churches and medieval buildings, maintains the leisurely atmosphere of yesteryear.

This guided tour offers a walk with reference to the most noteworthy sights within the walled city of Lefkosia.

For the programme (dates/time) click here

Start Point: Old Town Hall, Eleftheria Square, Lefkosia
End Point: Old Town Hall, Eleftheria Square, Lefkosia
Days / Times: Click here
Estimated Duration: 2:45 hours
Booking: Tour language: English
Price: Free
Organised by: Lefkosia Municipality, DMT and Nicosia Tourism Board
Information: Deputy Ministry of Tourism Information Office
Aristokyprou 11, Laiki Yeitonia, CY-1011,
Tel. +357 22674264, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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