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Basket Weaving Museum – Ineia Village
Basket Weaving Museum - Ineia Village

Located in the village of Ineia - with its spectacular views across the Akamas Peninsula - the local museum houses a collection of traditionally made basketry that also includes trays, wall decorations, containers and fish traps.

The village itself is popular for walking, photographing and painting thanks to its stunning natural beauty.

Region: Pafos (Paphos)
Address: Ineia village, 30km north of Pafos
GPS coordinates: Lat: 34.954514 Lon: 32.395699
Contact No: Tel: +357 26 332 562 / +357 99 077 363
Operating Hours: October - May: Monday - Friday: 15:00 - 18:00, Saturday: 11:00 - 13:00
June - September: Monday - Friday: 11:00 - 13:00 / 16:00 - 19:00, Saturday: 11:00 - 13:00
Sunday visits can be arranged upon request.
Operating Period: All year round
Closed on Public Holidays
Entrance Fee: Free
Disabled Access: Wheelchair accessible
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.
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