Λαϊκή Γειτονιά

Η Λαϊκή Γειτονιά δημιουργήθηκε με στόχο τη διατήρηση του παραδοσιακού χαρακτήρα της Παλιάς Λευκωσίας (περίοδος 1900) και την αξιοποίηση του χώρου με την προσθήκη νέων κατασκευών για τη δημιουργία ενός κέντρου για την προβολής της Λαϊκής Τέχνης και του Πολιτισμού καθώς και τη δημιουργία χώρων πώλησης τοπικών προϊόντων.

Η παραδοσιακή αυτή γειτονία βρίσκεται στις οδούς Αριστοκύπρου και Πραξάνδρου, ενώ αργότερα επεκτάθηκε και στους γύρω δρόμους της εντός των τειχών πόλη.

Η λειτουργία της Λαϊκής Γειτονιάς έφερε ζωή και κίνηση στην περιοχή τόσο την ημέρα όσο κατά τις νυκτερινές ώρες. Στη Λαϊκή Γειτονιά υπάρχουν πολιτιστικοί χώροι, χώροι αναψυχής (ταβέρνα, καφενείο, εστιατόριο), καταστήματα και εργαστήρια.

Η πλατεία της Λαϊκής Γειτονιάς, μέρος της οποίας χρησιμοποιείται ως χώρος του καφενείου – ταβέρνας, είναι πλακόστρωτη, ενώ γύρω από την πλατεία υπάρχουν μαγαζιά.

Μπροστά από τα καταστήματα και τις άλλες οικοδομές δημιουργήθηκαν λιθόστρωτες αυλές, οι οποίες χρησιμοποιούνται για την έκθεση προϊόντων των εργαστηρίων και ταυτόχρονα ως χώρος κυκλοφορίας μεταξύ των καταστήματα και των οικοδομών.

Τα πλακόστρωτα δρομάκια που κατασκευάστηκαν για την κυκλοφορία του κοινού που συνδέονται μεταξύ τους με στοές δημιουργούν ενδιαφέροντες εξωτερικούς χώρους και τα παραδοσιακά κτήρια της περιοχής είναι χαρακτηριστικά της παραδοσιακής αρχιτεκτονικής κληρονομιάς.

Τα εγκαίνια της έγιναν από τον Πρόεδρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Σπύρο Κυπριακού επί Δημαρχίας Λέλλου Δημητριάδη στις 21 Δεκεμβρίου 1983.

Η Λαϊκή Γειτονιά βραβεύτηκε από την Ένωση Δημοσιογράφων και Συγγραφέων Τουρισμού FIJET με το pomme d’or στις 3 Μαΐου 1988.

Η περίοδος λειτουργίας του Χριστουγεννιάτικου Χωριού Λαϊκής Γειτονιάς είναι από τις 23 Νοεμβρίου 2024 μέχρι τις 6 Ιανουαρίου 2025 ως ακολούθως:

Δευτέρα-Πέμπτη 10:00-18:00, Παρασκευή-Κυριακή 10:00 – 22:00
25 Δεκεμβρίου και 1η Ιανουαρίου: 15:00 – 22:00

Όταν φιλοξενούνται εκδηλώσεις στην Λαϊκή Γειτονία το ωράριο παρατείνεται.

Για το πρόγραμμα πατήστε εδώ

Τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας: +357 22797000

 Για τη σελίδα στο Facebook πατήστε  εδώ


Χριστουγεννιάτικα Χωριά:

Αγρός T: (+357) 25521333
Δερύνεια T: (+357) 23819005
Καλοπαναγιώτης T: (+357) 22952297
Κυπερούντα T: (+357) 25813204
Λαϊκή Γειτονιά T: (+357) 22797000
Λεύκαρα T: (+357) 24342422
Φικάρδου T: (+357) 22023330

Γραφεία Τουριστικών Πληροφοριών ΥφΤ:
Λεμεσός: (+357) 25 362756
Πάφος: (+357) 26 932841
Λάρνακα: (+357) 24 654322
Πλάτρες: (+357) 25 421316
Λευκωσία:  (+357) 22 674264
Αγία Νάπα: (+357) 23 721796


Christmas Villages

Jingle all the way to the Cyprus Christmas Villages!

The Deputy Ministry of Tourism invites you to discover seven beautiful traditional villages and towns of Cyprus, which in turn will wow you with an array of authentic Christmas experiences to participate in and where you will make memories to last a lifetime! Agros, Derynia, Fikardou, Lefkara, Kalopanagiotis, Kiti, Kyperounta and Laiki Geitonia (Lefkosia) put on their finest festive attire to spread the Christmas spirit, impressing locals, visitors, young and old alike.

Cultural events, stands with local products and handicrafts, gastronomy and crafting workshops, organized activities in nature, guided village tours, local restaurants and hotels with delicious holiday menus and many other surprises await to be discovered for a unique Cypriot Christmas experience.

We are waiting for you to celebrate with us this magical holiday period.

The Christmas Villages will be operating from November 23, 2024 until January 6, 2025 (inclusive) as follows:
Saturday – Sunday and Public Holidays.  From December 23, 2024 until January 6, 2025 daily.  Friday 13.12.2024 & 20.12.2024



Climbing in Cyprus

Most people think of Cyprus as a quiet and relaxing island of the Mediterranean, bathed in endless sunshine and surrounded by crystal clear waters and golden sandy beaches. And they’re right.

In Cyprus, you’ll hardly find non-sunny days. The winter is quite mild, with minimal rainfall and cloudless skies. As for its culture and ancient heritage, the island boasts one of the oldest civilizations in Europe, with countless archaeological sights, monuments and museums to explore.

Yet, Cyprus offers visitors way more than history, sea and sun. It is a unique adventure-packed getaway where you can experience extraordinary all-year-round holiday activities. You just need to see the island from a new perspective and discover its hidden thrill-evoking gems. The range of activities is only limited by your imagination and thirst for adventure.

Adventure Travel in Cyprus

Cyprus offers an abundance of outdoor pursuits to people who want to step out of their comfort zone and test their physical strength and limits.

Dive into the world-famous Zenobia Wreck, one of the top ten wreck dives in the Mediterranean. Feed your adventurous soul with an enthralling canoe and kayak experience at the scenic Germasogeia dam, surrounded by beautiful mountains and lush nature.

Practice your balance skills and unwind your mind while reveling by the magnificent Dasoudi coastline and the warm weather on a SUP board. Climb to the top of Machairas (Kionia) mountain and enjoy panoramic views of rich and diverse landscapes.

Bike through charming villages and experience the Cypriot “philoxenia” – the heartfelt, hospitable welcome that makes you feel at home. Go hiking across the southern coastline and through the majestic Troodos Mountains’ lush forests to unravel mesmerizing coves, hidden waterfalls and a plethora of cultural treasures.

Indulge in the view of pristine natural beauty and the calm azure sea waters of the blue-flagged Kourion Beach on horseback. Lose yourself in the vibrant, warm turquoise waters of the Blue Lagoon at Akamas Peninsula, Cyprus’ exotic and romantic aquatic paradise.

Stray from the beaten track and try rock climbing at the stunning Cape Greco National Park (Kavo Gkreko) in Ayia Napa, taking in the endless blue of the Mediterranean Sea. In Cyprus, adventure-packed holidays are a given. You just need to choose the length and level of it.

Whether you’re a solo traveller, a group of friends, a family or a couple, you are sure to find vigorous activities to boost your physical and mental health and make you feel exhilarated, excited and challenged – all at once!

A Natural Landscape, Perfect for Fun & Active Holidays

Cyprus abounds with beautiful natural scenery and diverse landscapes suitable for sports and outdoor activities of all kinds. Not many islands in Europe combine rolling mountains, rugged headlands, unspoiled fragrant forests, nature trails, limestone crags, waterfalls and glittering coasts – all in a small, blessed place.

These magical moments are adorned by the presence of the smiling sun, shining bright over our island around 300 days a year! Spring, summer, autumn or winter, Cyprus promises all-year-round outdoor experiences that will remain etched in your memory forever. It’s no wonder why activity enthusiasts across Europe applaud Cyprus’ wealth of adventurous pursuits!

There are more than 30 designated walking trails where nature lovers can discover a treasure trove of varied fauna and flora and loads of fascinating cycling routes crossing Lemesos (Limassol), Larnaca (Larnaka), Lefkosia (Nicosia), Troodos and Paphos (Pafos). It’s a relatively small island, so you can check out all of its natural wonders, even if you only choose a specific activity.

European Outdoor Fanatics Seek Out The Great Adventure in Cyprus

Europeans love embarking upon adventure holidays to have fun, spend time in nature and push their limits. They might go on long activity vacations or weekend trips within Europe to places that offer exciting hiking trails and cycling tours that induce adrenaline.

In particular, the number of German outdoor enthusiasts who visit Cyprus for hiking, climbing and biking during all seasons is increasing rapidly.

It’s not only the mild weather, the unspoiled natural beauty and the variety of outdoor activity options. Cyprus is also easily accessible from Europe’s major airports, and the flights are reasonably priced. Thus, the perfect destination for adventure lovers of all types and ages.

Looking for a fantastic way to get to know Cyprus while also testing your physical limits?

Visit Cyprus for hiking, biking, and rock climbing, and you’ll build up a rich repertoire of stories to share with your friends back home.

Climbing in Cyprus

Cyprus is an island full of hidden climbing treasures that can satiate climbers of all disciplines and skill levels. From beginners to experienced and elite climbers, from fans of traditional climbing to sport, speed, aid and recreational climbing or bouldering, Aphrodite’s birthplace offers experiences beyond imagination.

Even though rock climbing groups have been active on the island since the ’60s, Cyprus is a climbing destination that extreme sports enthusiasts have not explored systematically yet. That gives its wild and beautiful cliffs, boulders and rocks the competitive advantage: No traffic jams or crowds disturbing your ultimate climbing adventure!

There are so many quality and diverse climbing spots with ancient, smooth, hard limestone and sandstone slopers in incredible shapes and colors – all completely unspoiled and yours to explore!

Cyprus also features a unique form of sandstone at Droushia and Ineia villages that you cannot find anywhere else in Europe. Thus, this heavenly place offers the ‘untouched rocks’ that climber-explorers around the globe are desperately looking for!

In particular, Cyprus is growing in popularity as a quiet and picturesque climbing holiday spot for Germans, who are Europe’s top climbing fanatics. They’re falling in love with the endless blue of the Mediterranean sea that lies behind them as they climb up the island’s varied and exciting rocks.

Can you imagine anything better than exploring uniquely sculptured tufas while feeding your soul with sun and sea and basking in panoramic views of wild and stunning peninsulas? That’s exactly what Cyprus offers to rock climbing lovers, from novice to intermediate to pro.

Add the island’s long and tumultuous history to the list, the unlimited climbing potentials and direct access from all major European cities, and soon you will realize Cyprus is a climbing destination you have to visit as soon as possible. The island’s mostly dry Mediterranean climate makes climbing possible all year round.

Tips to get ready for Climbing in Cyprus

Cyprus is an idyllic and tranquil paradise for thrill-seekers of all abilities, with every climb rewarding you with incredible vistas.

There are many professional climbing groups, organizations, the official Cyprus Mountaineering Climbing & Orienteering Federation and individual instructors available to introduce you to the secrets of rock climbing and guide you through the island’s sensational climbing routes.

Whether you are a world champion in climbing or an absolute novice, in Cyprus you’ll find what you’re seeking for. From technical climbing walls to fine bouldering spots to easy and pleasant slabs for the whole family to enjoy!

But before you jump on the plane to Cyprus, here is a guide with tips to help you prepare for your climbing expedition.

  1. Study the various climbing routes. Make sure you have studied in depth the mountains and rocks on your bucket list. Route reading will help you develop your climbing strategy and techniques. The rock surface in Cyprus is diverse, featuring rugged rock formations, smooth tufas, extreme overhangs, impressive rock spires, and splitter cracks. So, go for the rock grades you can handle according to your level of climbing ability.
  2. Refresh your first aid skills. Rock climbing can be dangerous even though climbers have a track record in keeping their adventures fun and safe. Thus, study and refresh your first aid skills for the crag. Most of Cyprus’ professional climbing groups offer comprehensive first aid training to teach you how to handle emergencies.
  3. Get the right equipment & gear. For experienced climbers who do not want to bring their equipment from home, Cyprus’ local climbing shops will provide you with all you may need; from climbing shoes to harness, rope, climbing tape, rack, chalk bag and spare chalk. A hydration system or reusable water bottle is also a must. Bring with you waterproof and breathable clothes that will make your climbing as comfortable as possible.
  4. Save Cyprus’ emergency phone numbers. Memorize Cyprus’ emergency phone numbers or save on your cell phone the numbers of the island’s climbing groups and federations.
  5. Check the island’s certified climbing groups. If you are not an experienced climber but you’d love to embark on a climbing trip to Cyprus alone or with your family, check out the island’s qualified climbing groups. There are numerous indoor and outdoor climbing courses and events for climbing beginners and children throughout the year. You won’t find a better place in Europe to combine unforgettable holidays and the art and fun of climbing than in Cyprus.
Who can go climbing in Cyprus?

Cyprus offers a great variety of climbing grades, well-bolted crags, excellent rock quality and breathtaking scenery. From single-pitch to multi-pitch options, you’ll never get enough of Cyprus. If you plan it right, you won’t climb the same boulder twice.

From beginner gym climbers to recreational climbers to hardcore boulderers, Cyprus is the ideal destination for rock climbing and mountaineering adventures.

Besides climbing, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy fresh fish, Mediterranean delicacies and, of course, mesmerizing scenery of lush nature and azure sea waters.

Top Climbing Areas in Cyprus

Cavo Greco National Park , Ayia Napa

That’s a fascinating location ideal for traditional climbing, offering incredible views of the atmospheric coasts of Cape Greco and Ayia Napa. It features more than 180 climbing routes, with six traditional routes and four crags being the most popular ones. A jump into the waters after reaching the top of the cliffs is an experience you cannot put into words.

  • French grade: 5a to 6c
  • Suitable for: Climbing beginners and casual climbers.
  • Height:10m to 35 m
  • Rock type:Coarse limestone
  • Characteristics:Vertical and slab
  • Types of hold: Pocket, crimps and cracks.
  • Kid friendly: No

Gerakopetra (at Droushia/Ineia area) , Paphos

Gerakopetra offers 49 sport climbing routes on quality rock with stunning views of Lara bay and the Akamas peninsula. The access is pretty easy from both Paphos and Polis.

  • French grade: 4 to 8a+
  • Suitable for: Sport climbers, traditional climbers and bouldering fans, from beginners to experienced.
  • Height: 40 m
  • Rock type: Crystalised sandstone
  • Kid friendly: No

Around Gerakopetra, there are about 50 more routes, all within walking distance. In general, the Droushia/Ineia area in Paphos district is home to some of the best climbing routes on the island, perfect for sport and traditional climbing, such as Alikou, Koneftis and Kokkinovraxos.

The Droushia climbing sector alone features 12 exciting routes with the following characteristics:

  • French grade: 5 to 7c+
  • Suitable for: Experienced sport climbers that enjoy challenging routes.
  • Height: 18 to 35 m
  • Rock type: Crystalised sandstone
  • Kid friendly: Yes

Alikou is mainly a multi-pitch climbing sector with routes from 2 to 4 pitches.

  • French grade: 4 to 6a
  • Suitable for: Sport climbers, from beginners to experienced. Good for practising multi pitch skills and rappel techniques.
  • Kid friendly: Yes

Koneftis sector offers 25 must-try routes.

  • French grade: 4 to 7c+
  • Suitable for: Sport climbers, traditional climbers and bouldering fans, from beginners to experienced.
  • Height: 20 to 25 m
  • Rock type: crystalised sandstone
  • Kid friendly: Yes

Dhiarizos – Kourtelorotsos , Limassol – Paphos

Here, you’ll find a compact crag with around 65 well-bolted sports routes and one boulder route near Dhiarizos river. The unique characteristic of Dhiarizos is that it’s split into several sectors so that it’s possible for climbers to always climb in the shade.

  • French grade: 3 to 7c+
  • Suitable for: Sport climbers and rock climbing enthusiasts of all ability levels
  • Height: 28 m
  • Rock type: Hard limestone
  • Characteristics: Bolted with good anchors

Xeros Valley (Panagia tou Sindi) , Paphos

Close to Paphos, the rocks overlooking Xeros river valley offer a pleasant climbing experience. The area features 12 quality sport routes and some trad routes, ideal for experienced climbers who can combine a variety of climbing techniques.

  • French grade: 5b to 6c
  • Suitable for: Experienced in orienteering climbers
  • Height: 20 to 25 m
  • Rock type: Hard limestone
  • Kid friendly: Yes

We look forward to welcoming you to Cyprus!

From hiking to cycling and canoeing to horseback-riding, spelunking or climbing, Cyprus will inspire you to uncover the most adventurous side of you with an endless choice of epic, all-year-round land, air and water outdoor activities.

Get the chance to discover the alternative, non-touristy side of our beautiful island that combines history, culture, a lovely Mediterranean climate and a beautiful, diverse landscape suitable for all kinds of sports and adventures.

Previous part: 
Part 1: Hiking in Cyprus
Read on:
Part 3: Cycling in Cyprus



Hiking in Cyprus


Most people think of Cyprus as a quiet and relaxing island of the Mediterranean, bathed in endless sunshine and surrounded by crystal clear waters and golden sandy beaches. And they’re right.

In Cyprus, you’ll hardly find non-sunny days. The winter is quite mild, with minimal rainfall and cloudless skies. As for its culture and ancient heritage, the island boasts one of the oldest civilizations in Europe, with countless archaeological sights, monuments and museums to explore.

Yet, Cyprus offers visitors way more than history, sea and sun. It is a unique adventure-packed getaway where you can experience extraordinary all-year-round holiday activities. You just need to see the island from a new perspective and discover its hidden thrill-evoking gems. The range of activities is only limited by your imagination and thirst for adventure.

Adventure Travel in Cyprus

Cyprus offers an abundance of outdoor pursuits to people who want to step out of their comfort zone and test their physical strength and limits.

Dive into the world-famous Zenobia Wreck, one of the top ten wreck dives in the Mediterranean. Feed your adventurous soul with an enthralling canoe and kayak experience at the scenic Germasogeia dam, surrounded by beautiful mountains and lush nature.

Practice your balance skills and unwind your mind while reveling by the magnificent Dasoudi coastline and the warm weather on a SUP board. Climb to the top of Machairas (Kionia) mountain and enjoy panoramic views of rich and diverse landscapes.

Bike through charming villages and experience the Cypriot “philoxenia” – the heartfelt, hospitable welcome that makes you feel at home. Go hiking across the southern coastline and through the majestic Troodos Mountains’ lush forests to unravel mesmerizing coves, hidden waterfalls and a plethora of cultural treasures.

Indulge in the view of pristine natural beauty and the calm azure sea waters of the blue-flagged Kourion Beach on horseback. Lose yourself in the vibrant, warm turquoise waters of the Blue Lagoon at Akamas Peninsula, Cyprus’ exotic and romantic aquatic paradise.

Stray from the beaten track and try rock climbing at the stunning Cape Greco National Park (Kavo Gkreko) in Ayia Napa, taking in the endless blue of the Mediterranean Sea. In Cyprus, adventure-packed holidays are a given. You just need to choose the length and level of it.

Whether you’re a solo traveller, a group of friends, a family or a couple, you are sure to find vigorous activities to boost your physical and mental health and make you feel exhilarated, excited and challenged – all at once!

A Natural Landscape, Perfect for Fun & Active Holidays

Cyprus abounds with beautiful natural scenery and diverse landscapes suitable for sports and outdoor activities of all kinds. Not many islands in Europe combine rolling mountains, rugged headlands, unspoiled fragrant forests, nature trails, limestone crags, waterfalls and glittering coasts – all in a small, blessed place.

These magical moments are adorned by the presence of the smiling sun, shining bright over our island around 300 days a year! Spring, summer, autumn or winter, Cyprus promises all-year-round outdoor experiences that will remain etched in your memory forever. It’s no wonder why activity enthusiasts across Europe applaud Cyprus’ wealth of adventurous pursuits!

There are more than 30 designated walking trails where nature lovers can discover a treasure trove of varied fauna and flora and loads of fascinating cycling routes crossing Lemesos (Limassol), Larnaca (Larnaka), Lefkosia (Nicosia), Troodos and Paphos (Pafos). It’s a relatively small island, so you can check out all of its natural wonders, even if you only choose a specific activity.

European Outdoor Fanatics Seek Out The Great Adventure in Cyprus

Europeans love embarking upon adventure holidays to have fun, spend time in nature and push their limits. They might go on long activity vacations or weekend trips within Europe to places that offer exciting hiking trails and cycling tours that induce adrenaline.

In particular, the number of German outdoor enthusiasts who visit Cyprus for hiking, climbing and biking during all seasons is increasing rapidly.

It’s not only the mild weather, the unspoiled natural beauty and the variety of outdoor activity options. Cyprus is also easily accessible from Europe’s major airports, and the flights are reasonably priced. Thus, the perfect destination for adventure lovers of all types and ages.

Looking for a fantastic way to get to know Cyprus while also testing your physical limits?

Visit Cyprus for hiking, biking, and rock climbing, and you’ll build up a rich repertoire of stories to share with your friends back home.

Hiking in Cyprus

The mythical birthplace of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, is a paradise for hikers. A peaceful place with more than 11,000 years in its natural environs – all yours to explore!

Tourists flock to Cyprus from all over the world to discover landscapes with astonishing sea views, traditional villages, fertile plains and lavish coniferous forests. At the same time, you will get to enjoy opulent sunsets and warm weather.

The island offers a great variety of easily accessible hiking trails that steer visitors to some of the best corners of Cyprus. Natural beauty, remnants of history and rich culture surround you in every direction.

The sign-posted walking trails and ancient footpaths highlight Cyprus’ deep rooted beauty and its strong Mediterranean character. Hikers love trekking through the island’s placid villages with cobbled streets and stone houses, modest monasteries and fragrant vineyards.

Trails range in difficulty and length, from 3 km to 176 km. Maps, itineraries and guidebooks are available at the tourist information offices in Cyprus’ big cities and online.

So, lace up your hiking boots, grab a walking stick and start exploring Cyprus on foot!

Tips to get prepared for Hiking in Cyprus

Cyprus has hiking trails for outdoor fanatics of all fitness levels. With appropriate planning, the right tools, and an appetite for adventure, you can enjoy a pleasant and safe hike.

Leave behind any stressful thoughts, obligations, work emails, and heavy schedules and enjoy the journey. But before you hit the trail, check out these top hints for casual strolls or hikes on steep slopes.

  1. Plan the hike ahead. Head to VisitCyprus to choose among over 50 designated thematic routes, including nature trails, wine routes, religious routes, cultural routes and more. You’ll find all the information you need to plan your hiking adventure in detail. Based on your trekking experience and mood, you can pick among easy, moderate or more challenging routes to explore. Alternatively, opt for the guided hiking tours running across the island throughout the year.
  2. Design your route according to the season. Temperatures in Cyprus can exceed 40°C during summertime. Choose short and easy trails along the coastline and long walks in Troodos’ pathways from June to August. Always remember to have sunscreen, glasses, a sun hat, plenty of water and some Cypriot raisins for an energy boost.
  3. Research in advance for drinking water sources in remote areas. Plan your stops for lunch and water well in advance, especially when hiking in remote areas like the Troodos Mountains or the Akamas peninsula.
  4. Take with you the right gear. Pick comfortable and breathable clothing that helps you keep warm in winter or cool off for the hot summer months. Opt for clothes of vivid colors that offer adequate sun protection. If you go for Cyprus’ rocky trails and steep slopes, put on a reliable pair of walking shoes.

Who can go hiking in Cyprus?

Cyprus features hiking and walking trails for all ages to explore. You can go hiking alone, with your partner, friends, family and children, or a group of like-minded hikers. There are easy, moderate and hard trails to follow based on your hiking experience.

Top Hiking Trails in Cyprus

Caledonia (Kalidonia) Waterfall Trail – Limassol District, Troodos Forest Nature Trail

This unique trail passes through the dense forest of Troodos Mountain – an oasis full of dazzling pine trees, wild roses and golden oaks. It runs alongside burbling streams and the “Krios Potamos.” The view of one of Cyprus’ tallest waterfalls in the heart of Troodos is breathtaking. Along the way, hikers may get carried away by the stunning views of the valley below until they reach “Psilo Dentro” in Pano Platres.

  • Difficulty: Difficult. Suitable for seasoned hikers and families with older children.
  • Length: 3 km (linear)
  • Estimated duration: 1.5 hrs
  • Highest peak altitude: 1,571 m
  • Trailhead: Troodos Platres road

Insider Tip: Best to visit From March to October. While hiking, you can take a closer look at the endemic plants, such as the Purple Rock Cress (Arabis purpurea) and Aphrodite’s spurge (Euphorbia veneris).

Aphrodite & Adonis Nature Trail – Paphos District, Akamas Forest Nature Trail

A fantastic opportunity for hikers to take in the most sensational views of the glittering Mediterranean, Blue Lagoon, Cape Arnaoutis, Polis Chrysochous and Paphos Forest. Revel in nature’s magical beauty while hiking across Cyprus’ western peninsula featuring a chalk-white limestone coast. That’s one of the most popular walks and a great trail to fill your suitcase with beautiful memories!

The nature trail passes through the Baths of Aphrodite (Loutra tis Afroditis), where the Goddess of Love used to take her baths and met her lover, Adonis. In a short distance, hikers can admire the ruins of Queen’s Tower (Pyrgos tis Rigainas) that belong to a medieval monastery. Near the remnants of the tower, there’s a 500-year old oak tree and a faucet with drinking water.

  • Difficulty: Difficult.
  • Length: 7,5 km (circular)
  • Estimated duration: 3 – 4 hrs
  • Highest peak altitude: 333 m
  • Trailhead: Baths of Aphrodite

Insider Tip: Visit the Botanical Gardens of Akamas close to the trail’s starting point and smell the sweet fragrances of colorful blossoms in the spring. Along the way, you’ll find several benches to get some rest, marvel at incredible views and unwind.

Kannoures Nature Trail to Kakopetria
– Limassol District, Troodos Forest Nature Trail

A trail located within the virgin Troodos National Forest Park – ideal for more experienced hikers. It starts at Karkotis River, crosses the magnificent Solea valley, and ends in Kakopetria. On the way, you can rest at Agios Nikolaos tis Stegis church that boasts exquisite frescoes from the 12th century. This sacred site is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage monument.

  • Difficulty: Difficult. Difficult downhill trail
  • Length: 12 km (linear)
  • Estimated duration: 4 hrs
  • Highest peak altitude: 1,654 m
  • Trailhead: The main road of Karvounas

Insider Tip: The trail is suitable for dogs, but you should keep them on a leash.

Germasogeia Dam Nature Trail (Phoinikaria)
– Limassol District

A trail around a beautiful valley located just 20 minutes away from the city of Limassol. The circular route passes through the eastern hills of Limassol district, offering lovely views of Foinikaria village, the Germasogeia dam, Limassol and Akrotiri. The terrain is relatively smooth and wide but becomes fairly rocky at points, with several mild uphill and downhill pathways.

The rural scenery features olive trees, wildflowers, pine trees and indigenous wild bushes. Close to the trail, the Foinikaria picnic area provides hikers with water supply, wooden benches to rest, and a playground for little hikers.

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: 1,5 km (linear)
  • Estimated duration: 0.5 hrs
  • Trailhead: The road at Foinikaria village that leads to Prastio village.

Insider Tip: Best time to visit is between February and June, when there’s plenty of water in the dam.



Cycling in Cyprus

Most people think of Cyprus as a quiet and relaxing island of the Mediterranean, bathed in endless sunshine and surrounded by crystal clear waters and golden sandy beaches. And they’re right.

In Cyprus, you’ll hardly find non-sunny days. The winter is quite mild, with minimal rainfall and cloudless skies. As for its culture and ancient heritage, the island boasts one of the oldest civilizations in Europe, with countless archaeological sights, monuments and museums to explore.

Yet, Cyprus offers visitors way more than history, sea and sun. It is a unique adventure-packed getaway where you can experience extraordinary all-year-round holiday activities. You just need to see the island from a new perspective and discover its hidden thrill-evoking gems. The range of activities is only limited by your imagination and thirst for adventure.


Adventure Travel in Cyprus

Cyprus offers an abundance of outdoor pursuits to people who want to step out of their comfort zone and test their physical strength and limits.

Dive into the world-famous Zenobia Wreck, one of the top ten wreck dives in the Mediterranean. Feed your adventurous soul with an enthralling canoe and kayak experience at the scenic Germasogeia dam, surrounded by beautiful mountains and lush nature.

Practice your balance skills and unwind your mind while reveling by the magnificent Dasoudi coastline and the warm weather on a SUP board. Climb to the top of Machairas (Kionia) mountain and enjoy panoramic views of rich and diverse landscapes.

Bike through charming villages and experience the Cypriot “philoxenia” – the heartfelt, hospitable welcome that makes you feel at home. Go hiking across the southern coastline and through the majestic Troodos Mountains’ lush forests to unravel mesmerizing coves, hidden waterfalls and a plethora of cultural treasures.

Indulge in the view of pristine natural beauty and the calm azure sea waters of the blue-flagged Kourion Beach on horseback. Lose yourself in the vibrant, warm turquoise waters of the Blue Lagoon at Akamas Peninsula, Cyprus’ exotic and romantic aquatic paradise.

Stray from the beaten track and try rock climbing at the stunning Cape Greco National Park (Kavo Gkreko) in Ayia Napa, taking in the endless blue of the Mediterranean Sea. In Cyprus, adventure-packed holidays are a given. You just need to choose the length and level of it.

Whether you’re a solo traveller, a group of friends, a family or a couple, you are sure to find vigorous activities to boost your physical and mental health and make you feel exhilarated, excited and challenged – all at once!


A Natural Landscape, Perfect for Fun & Active Holidays

Cyprus abounds with beautiful natural scenery and diverse landscapes suitable for sports and outdoor activities of all kinds. Not many islands in Europe combine rolling mountains, rugged headlands, unspoiled fragrant forests, nature trails, limestone crags, waterfalls and glittering coasts – all in a small, blessed place.

These magical moments are adorned by the presence of the smiling sun, shining bright over our island around 300 days a year! Spring, summer, autumn or winter, Cyprus promises all-year-round outdoor experiences that will remain etched in your memory forever. It’s no wonder why activity enthusiasts across Europe applaud Cyprus’ wealth of adventurous pursuits!

There are more than 30 designated walking trails where nature lovers can discover a treasure trove of varied fauna and flora and loads of fascinating cycling routes crossing Lemesos (Limassol), Larnaca (Larnaka), Lefkosia (Nicosia), Troodos and Paphos (Pafos). It’s a relatively small island, so you can check out all of its natural wonders, even if you only choose a specific activity.


European Outdoor Fanatics Seek Out The Great Adventure in Cyprus

Europeans love embarking upon adventure holidays to have fun, spend time in nature and push their limits. They might go on long activity vacations or weekend trips within Europe to places that offer exciting hiking trails and cycling tours that induce adrenaline.

In particular, the number of German outdoor enthusiasts who visit Cyprus for hiking, climbing and biking during all seasons is increasing rapidly.

It’s not only the mild weather, the unspoiled natural beauty and the variety of outdoor activity options. Cyprus is also easily accessible from Europe’s major airports, and the flights are reasonably priced. Thus, the perfect destination for adventure lovers of all types and ages.

Looking for a fantastic way to get to know Cyprus while also testing your physical limits?

Visit Cyprus for hiking, biking, and rock climbing, and you’ll build up a rich repertoire of stories to share with your friends back home.


Cycling in Cyprus

Beautiful and diverse, Cyprus’ terrain lures many cyclists from all over Europe who want to experience epic cycling adventures across scenic, peaceful and car-free routes. The island is a firm favorite for competitive and leisurely cycling, mountain biking and road cycling alike.

Biking enthusiasts get impressed by Cyprus’ varied landscape that can go from steep to flat and from rocky to clay within only a few kilometers.

Ride out into urban, rural, mountainous and coastal roadways packed with a range of natural wonders. Follow the designated cycling routes or venture out on your own biking adventure. Feel the Mediterranean breeze through your hair and get spontaneous; you might end up in a delightfully unexpected place!

The lack of headwinds, the sunny summers and mild winters in Cyprus make cycling an enjoyable activity throughout the year. Yet, spring and autumn are the ideal seasons when the days are long and not overly hot.

Various convenient rides start from Paphos in the west, Limassol in the south and from the capital Nicosia, towards the Troodos Mountain range at the heart of the island. Explore the coastal routes that offer spectacular views of picturesque bays and turquoise waters. Experienced cyclists choose to follow the valleys up to Mount Olympos through the rugged Troodos forest.

Ready to embark on a memorable cycling experience in the land of legends?

MTB & Road Cycling in Cyprus

The mountainous territory and the magnificent Troodos forest routes at high altitudes make Cyprus a great European destination for mountain bikers. The bike trails network at Troodos and Akamas peninsula are easily accessible wherever you’re based in Cyprus. Off-road cyclists can test their technical skills and stamina. The terrain becomes very challenging at certain points along the cycling routes, with steep slopes and rocky surfaces. MTB is allowed in any region of the island.

For road cyclists, Cyprus also features smooth road surfaces, dedicated cycling lanes around big towns, and most importantly, there is hardly any traffic! The cycling routes guide visitors through tranquil forests, archaeological sites, idyllic vineyards, traditional villages and stunning olive groves.

The island boasts 45 cycle routes for outdoor fans:

  • 17 bike trails
  • 23 mountain biking routes
  • 5 road cycling rides

Tips to get prepared for Cycling in Cyprus

Cyprus is a great destination to meet other cycling enthusiasts, take in the beautiful scenery and put your skills to the test.

Once you have booked your cycling holidays on the island, it’s time to get well-prepared to ensure you enjoy your biking adventure to the maximum.

Before you put on your lycra shorts and cycling shoes, check out some top tips that will help you make the most out of your trip, have loads of fun and get back home with a suitcase full of unforgettable experiences!

  1. Outline a tentative cycling plan. Plan and study your trip itinerary and grading before you take your bike on tour in Cyprus. Will you follow your own route or join an organized cycling journey with professional drivers and local guides? Create your cycling bucket list and let Cyprus amaze you with its incredible blend of scenery, culture and history.
  2. Prepare your bike or rent one on the island. Cyprus’ long climbs and steep descents will be challenging not only for your physical strength but also for the bike. Make sure your bike’s gears, brakes, pedals and tires are in good condition before you pack it up to travel. If you do not wish to travel with your own bike, you’ll find many bike rental shops on the island.
  3. Remember to cycle on the left-hand side of the road. Use the street only if there is no cycling lane and always keep your bike on the left-hand side of the road as Cyprus follows the left-hand traffic system. In addition, be aware that cycling on highways is illegal and you might get a fine.
Who can go cycling in Cyprus?

You don’t have to be a cycling pro to explore Cyprus on two wheels. The island features a diverse landscape with thematic routes suitable for all level cyclists . From beginner to more advanced cyclists to families with children, Cyprus will offer you the ultimate biking experience!

Top Cycling Routes in Cyprus

With 45 cycling routes, you will never get enough of Cyprus!

Athalassa National Forest Park Cycling Route , Nicosia


The Athalassa National Forest Park nestles to the southeast of Nicosia and it is the greenest area within the capital’s territory. The park is surrounded by Aglantzia in the north, Strovolos and Latsia in the southwest, and Geri in the southeast.

It features a 16 km bicycle path passing along a lake and through a stunning eucalyptus-lined forest. It’s a very popular training and recreational cycling area among locals.

The route is fun and relaxing, suitable for cyclists of all skill levels. The surface varies from hard pack to gravel to soft sand and dirt roads.

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Length: 16 km
  • Estimated duration: Suitable for all types of bicycles
  • Start point: South of Nicosia park (Lefkosia)
  • End point: East of the Nicosia – Limassol motorway
  • Terrain: Paved road

A Sea of Green and the Coast route, Larnaca – Limassol

The route starts in the historic and picturesque village of Tochni in Larnaca District and heads to Choirokoitia – a UNESCO World Heritage site as of 1998. The next stop is Vavla, a traditional village with white-stone houses. Head downward to Lageia and then uphill towards Ora village. Here starts the mountainous terrain of Limassol with the villages of Akapnou, Eptagonia, Arakapas, Dierona, Akrounta and the Germasogeia urban area.

The route passes through the archaeological site of Amathus, where cyclists stop to gaze at the impressive remains of the ancient city-kingdom that dates back to the 4th century BC. The site features public baths, the Agora, the Temple of Aphrodite, several tombs and early Christian basilicas. The cycling route continues along the coast, offering wonderful views of the Mediterranean and the long glistening beaches.

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Distance: 83,8 km
  • Terrain:Mountain
  • Road surface: Paved
  • Highest point: 688 m
  • Start point: Tochni
  • Loop: Yes. It ends back in the village of Tochni.

Tour of Marathasa Cycling Route, Troodos – Nicosia – Limassol – Paphos


This fascinating cycling excursion begins in Troodos square and climbs to the west toward Mount Olympos. Next, the route continues downhill to Prodromos village (the highest in Cyprus) and turns right to a pinewood area and Kykkos monastery. Spend some time here exploring one of the most lavish religious sites on the island, dedicated to Virgin Mary. The route continues to Stavros tis Psokas and the breathtaking Cedar Valley.

The fresh air, the beauty of the virgin nature and the lovely architecture of the mountainous villages is an experience you will never forget.

  • Difficulty: Intense
  • Distance: 90,34 km
  • Terrain:Mountain
  • Bike: MTB or road bike with low gear ratios
  • Highest point: 1824 m
  • Elevation gain: 4746 m
  • Start point: Troodos square
  • Loop: Yes

Paphos (Pafos) , Polis Cycling Route

An exciting and demanding route that goes from Paphos to Polis, the main town of Chrysochou Bay.

The adventurous uphill trip starts from Kato Paphos and follows the coastal road to Coral Bay. It then climbs to the village of Peyia (Pegeia), one of the largest villages in the region, known for its ancient baths, the natural freshwater fountains and its spectacular Sea Caves.

Peyia Sea Caves is a unique place of great geological interest and incomparable beauty. It features priceless coastal formations created thousands of years ago. Along the bay, cyclists can admire enormous rocky seashores, scattered islets and large caves. The awe-inspiring view showcases the sea’s magnificent power.

From Peyia, cyclists can enjoy incredible panoramic vistas to Coral Bay and Paphos city. The route continues through the forest and heads toward Kathikas village and Prodromos. The cycling route ends in Polis.

  • Difficulty: Difficult
  • Distance: 37 km
  • Terrain:Mountain
  • Bike: Mountain bike with excellent suspension
  • Elevation gain: 615 m
  • Start point: Paphos
  • End poing: Polis Chrysochous