Set in the waters of Coral Bay, the Church Bay dive site is located by the Amphitheatre dive site and is accessed by a rope rail that safely guides divers down the side of a cliff to enter the sea.
Despite its seemingly challenging start, the site is perfect for beginners as it offers a gradually increasing water depth and a mostly sandy and flat surface.
The stunning rock formations add interest to this easy dive, including overhangs, canyons, gullies, swim throughs and a large cavern where light streams in from the dome ceiling.
The moderate marine life includes bream, cuttlefish, grouper and pufferfish, along with schools of thousands of transparent sand smelt fish that look like masses of glittering glass in the water.

Location: Coral Bay, Pafos
GPS Coordinates: 34° 858629”N 32° 347172”E
Type of Dive Site:Rocky and Sandy Bottom
Depth:23 metres
Visibility:20+ metres
Qualification Required:Open Water
Dive Category:Recreational Diving