Вы здесь:Домашняя»Куда сходить»Rural»Ecclesiastical Museum of the Saints Constantine and Helen - Tochni
Сайт создан в рамках реализации проекта «Маркетинговый план для Сельского Туризма 2007-2013», сцелью подчеркнуть уникальные характеристики и аспекты сельских районов Кипра, которые способствуют родвижению острова не только как направления «солнце и море», но и в качестве направления, которое предлагает посетителям богатый опыт с различными видами деятельности в его внутренних районах. Проект финансируется совместно с Европейским Фондом Регионального Развития (ЕФРР) Европейского Союза.

Ecclesiastical Museum of the Saints Constantine and Helen - Tochni

Ecclesiastical Museum of the Saints Constantine and Helen - Tochni
Ecclesiastical Museum of the Saints Constantine and Helen - Tochni

Located in the rural village of Tochni, the ecclesiastical museum is part of the historic Church of The Saints Constantine and Helen.

The museum room - which adjoins the church - features a range of precious religious relics, including Gospels, icons (dating as far back as the 16th century), and silver and bronze sacred vessels. Also featured is a grand cross, which is displayed in the centre of the museum room.

Most importantly, the museum contains a small piece of the Holy Cross, and a small piece of the relic of Saint Helen, which are of insurmountable religious value.

The church itself is uniquely located on a bridge in the village, and a historically significant structure. Both the bridge and the church are said to have been built by Saint Helen.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience. 

Region: Tochni Village, Larnaka (Larnaca)
Address: The Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, village centre, Tochni Village
Contact No: Tel: +357 99 54 96 48
Operating Hours: Wednesday and Sundays only: 17:00 - 19:00 by requesting the key from the church
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: €2 / €1 (students)
Website: https://larnakaregion.com/directory/product/tochni-ecclesiastical-museum
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.

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