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«Moments to Savour 2» - Online Streaming with CySO

Friday 29 January 2021 @ 19:00
Concert Streaming at CYSO Channel on YouTube
Precious moments from 2016-17

Although at present the current circumstances do not allow the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra to welcome you in the concert hall, its online presence will be strong and will keep offering audiences, wherever they may be, its unique musical voice.

In the next few weeks, until the end of February, we have prepared for you four exciting online concerts on CYSO Channel on YouTube. Digging into the wealth of great programmes presented by the Orchestra over the past few years, the next two streamings will be derived from our recent concerts archives. The following two online streamings will be chamber music concerts for a variety of ensembles, newly prepared by our musicians.

Following up our last week’s first online streaming, you may watch “Moments to Savour 2” this Friday 29 January 2021 at 19:00 from CYSO Channel on YouTube, for which we have selected three great performances from 2016 and 2017 that have a special place in our heart, featuring works by Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert and Bohuslav Martinů, oboe soloist David Perpiñan and conductors Nabil Shehata and Alkis Baltas. We hope they speak to your heart too. *

For announcements of our next online concerts, please check our website www.cyso.org.cy and follow us on our social media: Cyprus Symphony Orchestra - Facebook, CYSO Channel - YouTube and cyprussymphony - Instagram.
 For more information you may contact Constantia Elia at 22 463135, email: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

Пятница, Январь 29, 2021

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