
Cyprus’s religious roots are both sacred and humbling, as evidenced by the impressive number of monuments of religious devotion that tell the story of the island’s path to Christianity and its deep faith, from inception to the present day. The religious cultural heritage of Cyprus is mainly Christian but with plenty of influences and monuments from other religions is one of the richest in the world.

It is no coincidence that Cyprus the island of beauty, where according to Greek myth the goddess Aphrodite was born was chosen as the first place to receive the great message of the new faith on the advent of Christianity. 

The island became the gateway through which the message of the Gospels spread throughout the length and breadth of the Ecumene. The first mission of the apostles Paul and Barnabas (the latter of Cypriot descent) occurred here.

Discover the churches, chapels and monasteries of the island, and immerse yourself in their journey of faith, history and culture. Through their unique structures; the biblical stories told in ancient icons and frescos; rich Ecclesiastical museums, and a Byzantine treasure trove of 10 painted mountain churches so religiously priceless that they are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List - you cannot fail to feel uplifted, and for your heart to fill with enlightenment, serenity and devotion. This holy “choice” that at the same time is a jewel and heritage to this country, is expressed by the plenty of Christian monuments around the island and by the large number of saints with a connection to the island, making it “Cyprus, the island of saints”.

At the same time, Cyprus is from the ancient years a refuge place for the populations of the area. There are plenty and different religious communities besides the Orthodox Christian. Populations of Muslims, Maronites, Armenians nad latinslive in harmony practicing their devotional beliefs freely. Their Monuments and Museums can be found all over the island making Cyprus as the place where everybody is welcome.


Сердце религии

Религиозные корнивоздушной и благословенной земли Кипра являются священными и смиренными, о чем свидетельствует впечатляющее число памятников религиозной веры, которые повествуют о пути острова в христианство

3-й Местный Маршрут по Лемесос (Лимассол) Религиозный маршрут

Первая остановкаэтого маршрута по Лемесос (Лимассол) находится в Пареклисиа и церкви Святого Креста, где хранится несколько весьма значительных фресок итальянско-византийского стиля. В Келлаки находится церковь

Мульти-культурный Христианский Кипр Терпимый к другим религиям и учениям – Маршрут Α Религиозный маршрут

Отправной точкой маршрута является церковь 9-го века Св. Лазаря, которая является одним из самых замечательных примеров Византийской архитектуры и где находится саркофаг (Ларнакс) Святого Лазаря.