Table Top

This dive site is part of the Kavo Gkreko network of dive sites. Table Top is characterized by natural stone formations surrounded by Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows. In the small caverns, an array of colours can be seen from the sponges, as well as anemones, coralligenous algae and nudibranchs. The dive site ranges from 20 to 25 m depth. The rocks are brimming with marine life, such as fire worms, octopi, moray eels, and groupers. At the edge of the rocks, you find yourself in Posidonia oceanica meadows with lots of fish and gastropods that prefer to hide there.

Interesting facts: It is advised to perform this dive via boat rather than from the shore to avoid disorientation and missing the location.

Location: Kavo Gkreko – Ayia Napa, Ammochostos (34°58’25.74″N, 34° 5’0.78″E)

Type of dive site: Rock & seagrass

Depth: 25 m

Visibility: 20+ metres in good conditions

Access: Boat

Qualification required: Advance Open Water / Boat Diver

Dive category: Recreational diving

Features: Beautiful rock morphology forming small caverns covered in sponges as well as a flat rock in the shape of a “table”.

Olive Museum

Τhe  museum displays exhibits used in the cultivation of olives and the production of olive oil, like old tools and storage utensils as well as other artefacts used in the picking of olives.

In the yard of the Olive Museum the visitor can see one of the oldest olive trees of Cyprus with an estimated age of 700 years. 

Region: Larnaka
Address: Agglisides village
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 432480 – Community Board of  Agglisides
Operating Hours: Monday-Friday 08:00 – 14:00
Visiting the museum can be arranged by prior appointment by contacting the above phone number
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.

Mikri Salamina Sculpture Park – Yiapanis Art Studio

Set among the hills of a typical Cypriot village Fasoula, surrounded by almond and olive trees, this beautifully landscaped Park is a continuous creation of a passionate artist, Philippos Yiapanis. Here, the natural beauty blends with exceptional works of art, the ancient meets the modern, creating balance and harmony.

The Mikri Salamina is an open-air gallery of bronze and marble sculptures, reflecting the life journey of the artist. On the area of 5500 square meters, set on multiple levels, there are around 140 sculptures on permanent exhibition. You can discover them while wandering through stone-cobbled, curvy pathways, elevated terraces and quiet corners. Here, everything you will see is a result of the artist’s vision, hard work, and his attempt to leave something significant behind.  In his art one can find curved shapes, erotic and fertility motives, silhouettes of birds, snails and fishes. Many sculptures present scenes and figures from Greek mythology.

The different sites in the Park were created steadily, over the years: starting with the showroom and workshop, moving to the Amphitheatre, the Gymnasium and now continuing with creating The Waves. First events in the Park were organized by Famagusta Municipality; then, charity events followed to gather money for people in need. The dream of the artist is to now build a big-scale museum, with more space to exhibit his work, host various events and guest exhibitions.

Region: Lemesos
Address: Ag. Paraskevis 1, Fasoulla, Cyprus
Contact No: Tel: +357 99681177/ 99516803, email: [email protected]
Operating Hours: For a visit please call in advance
Operating Period: All year round
Entrance Fee: FREE
Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.

The Structures (Masks)

The Structures is a series of concrete structures that were submerged at Dasoudi Marine Protected Area (MPA) in 2016 to further enrich the artificial reef created in 2014 with the sinking of the two wrecks Costandis and Lady Thetis.
The 11, large artificial structures provide marine life with a ‘playground’, and divers with an interesting experience that complements the two wrecks the structures sit directly between. Beginners can even use the structures to home their skills, including swimming through the large tube blocks.

Alongside the high boulders, tube blocks, trapezes and large clusters of amphorae that were originally submerged in 2016, two huge, white carnival masks were added in 2022.

The masks represent Lemesos’ historical carnival tradition and are made of C50 concrete; each weighing around 12 tonnes and measuring 3.20 x 2.50 metres.

It is no surprise that marine life readily favours the site, evidenced by the abundance of different species. Highlights include the ‘branches’ of squid eggs clinging to the ropes during squid breeding season, turtles, and the schools of bait fish followed in pursuit by schools of predator species. Other species that populate the site are bream, grouper, damselfish, lionfish, moray eels, parrotfish, tube worms and amberjacks that pass through seasonally.

Dive Specs
Location:Dasoudi, Lemesos
GPS Coordinates: 34° 40’50.34″N 33° 5’4.74″E
Type of Dive Site: Artificial Reef
Depth: 22 metres
Visibility: 15+ metres
Access: By boat
Qualification Required: Open Water / Boat Diver
Dive Category:Recreational


To view The Structures (Masks) diving route click here

To view the masks click here

Art Gallery “PSI Foundation”

The non-profit PSI Foundation is being established in Limassol with the mission to support and cultivate the thriving artistic landscape of Cyprus. Central to its vision is the promotion of contemporary art in dialogue with technology. Through curated exhibitions,
collaborative projects, and creative sessions, the Foundation strives to challenge perceptions about the convergence of art and technology and inspire audiences to explore new realms of possibility. As part of its dedication to showcasing the rich tapestry
of Cypriot art, the Foundation proudly supported the Cyprus National Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale and hosted a networking event in partnership with European Media Art Platform and NeMe Art.

Another mission of the Foundation consists it preserving the historic Carob Warehouse of Limassol and envisage its future use. By presenting four architectural projects of potential transformation of the building into a significant cultural hub for the city the PSI Foundation opens dialogue to foster a collective vision about the future of this iconic city landmark in the cultural landscape of Cyprus.  


Region: Lemesos
Address: Old Carob Warehouse Tsiflikoudia,  27 Synergatismou Str., 3010 Lemesos
Contact No: Tel.: +357 96503997
Operating Hours: Opening hours from July 1 are as follows:
Friday: 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Saturday: 11:00am – 2:00pm & 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on public holidays
Entrance Fee: FREE



Das Kulturzentrum der Gemeinde Famagusta (Ammochostos)

Das Cultural Centre von der okkupierten Stadt Ammochostos (Famagusta) wurde für regelmäßig stattfindende Vorträge und Informationssitzungen zum bestehenden Zypernkonflikt (die Teilung der Insel nach der türkischen Invasion im Jahr 1974) geschaffen.

Zur Betrachtung der okkupierten Stadt Famagusta (griechisch Ammochostos) stehen Ferngläser zur Verfügung. Besucher können sich außerdem eine kleine Fotoausstellung ansehen.

Bezirk: Ammochostos
Adresse: Evagorou 35, Deryneia
Kontakt: Telefon: +357 23 740 860; Fax: +357 23 740 861
Öffnungszeiten: Sommer Öffnungszeiten (8.5 – 1.11):
Montag Freitag: 07:30 – 17:00 Uhr
Samstag: 07:30-15:00 Uhr

Winter Öffnungszeiten (4.11 – 5.5):
Montag – Samstag: 07:30 – 15:00 Uhr
Während dieser Zeiten ist das Kulturzentrum für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Für organisierte und geführte Touren können Sie +357 23740860 anrufen oder eine E-Mail an [email protected] senden

Wann: Das ganze Jahr über.
An gesetzlichen Feiertagen geschlossen.
Eintrittspreis: Kostenlos
Barrierefreier Zugang: Rollstuhlgerecht.
  Die Öffnungs- und Schließzeiten sowie der Eintrittspreis können sich ohne Vorankündigung ändern. Besuchern wird daher empfohlen, sich im Vorfeld zu informieren.


Local Rural Museum of Kato Drys

Housed in a traditional residence in the mountainous village of Kato Drys, the Local Rural Museum, Kato Drys was once the home of Gabriel and Eleni Papachristoforou, and was donated to the Department of Antiquities after their passing with the provision that it would serve as a local museum of olden-day village life.

The house is a typical specimen of local architecture from the 19th century and is constructed from stone. It consists of five ground-floor rooms and an upper-level room; an indoor, enclosed yard with a clay oven, and a roofed passage with an arch that leads to the large gateway opening toward the road. Although simple, it was a luxurious home during its time.

Today, the museum depicts a traditional rural household and is laid out with the furniture and equipment of the times, including tools that were used for occupational purposes and household chores.

The museums is also one of the Larnaka Virtual Museums. Explore it below, or in full screen here.

Region: Kato Drys Village , Larnaka (Larnaca)
Address: Kato Drys 7714, Cyprus
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 34 26 48   
Operating Hours: Daily: 09:00-15:00
Closed every second Saturday
Operating Period: Closed on public holidays.
Entrance Fee: €1 / Students, free (Wheelchair accessible)
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.


Local Museum of Traditional Embroidery and Silversmith-work – Lefkara

The Local Museum of Traditional Embroidery and Silversmith-work, Lefkara is located in the mountainous village within the ‘House of Patsalos’, which was named after its owner – a member of one of the village’s richest families.

The entire house is constructed out of local white limestone and contains several rooms built during different periods from the 19th to the early 20th century. The ground floor showcases traditional village life within a rural-type dining room and storeroom that display large jars and agricultural implements and tools.

The three rooms of the upper floor contain the typical furnishings of a grand Lefkara house of the 19th and early 20th centuries, along with traditional costumes, jewellery, silverwork, and a large collection of old Lefkara embroidery, for which the village is renowned.

The ‘House of Patsalos’ was acquired by the Department of Antiquities in 1983, thanks to a donation by Mr Stelios Ioannou, and after its restoration was officially opened to the public as a museum in August 1988.

A separate building houses a reconstruction of a blacksmiths ‘smithy’ complete with original tools and authentic sound effects of the blacksmith at work.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience.


Region: Lefkara Village , Larnaka (Larnaca)
Address: Pano Lefkara 7700
Contact No: Tel: +357 24 34 23 26
Operating Hours: Daily: 08.30 – 16.00 (Sept 16 – Apr 15) / 09.30 – 17.00 (Apr 16-Sept 15)
Operating Period: Closed on some public holidays.
Entrance Fee: Free
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.

Ecclesiastical Museum of the Saints Constantine and Helen – Tochni

Located in the rural village of Tochni, the ecclesiastical museum is part of the historic Church of The Saints Constantine and Helen.

The museum room – which adjoins the church – features a range of precious religious relics, including Gospels, icons (dating as far back as the 16th century), and silver and bronze sacred vessels. Also featured is a grand cross, which is displayed in the centre of the museum room.

Most importantly, the museum contains a small piece of the Holy Cross, and a small piece of the relic of Saint Helen, which are of insurmountable religious value.

The church itself is uniquely located on a bridge in the village, and a historically significant structure. Both the bridge and the church are said to have been built by Saint Helen.

As part of the Larnaka Virtual Museums project, you can tour the museum virtually here, with enriched and bonus material from home, or whilst at the museum for a hybrid experience. 

Region: Tochni Village, Larnaka (Larnaca)
Address: The Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, village centre, Tochni Village
Contact No: Tel: +357 99 54 96 48
Operating Hours: Wednesday and Sundays only: 17:00 – 19:00 by requesting the key from the church
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: €2 / €1 (students)
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.