Sotira village

Located in the Ammochostos (Famagusta) district, the village of Sotira is one of the agricultural ‘red soil villages’ (Kokkinochoria), and produces juicy watermelons, figs and pomegranates, along with ‘kolokasi’ (taro root – colocasia esculanta) – which is celebrated annually with a Kolokasi Festival in September.

The village was founded in the Byzantine period and named after Jesus the Saviour (Sotiros Christou). Its interesting sights include the village church dedicated to Metamorphosis tou Sotiros (Transfiguration of Jesus Christ), which is a significant Medieval monument of the 16th century, and the Ecclesiastical Museum. There are several other churches in the area dating between the 13th – 16th centuries, including the Cruciform church of Panagia Chordakion; the church of Agios Georgios Chordakion; the church of Agios Theodoros (of which only the narthex survives), and the church of Agios Mamas.

The important festivals of the village include the Traditional Festival of Sotira, which is held annually at the end of June/beginning of July, and the important religious festival of the Feast of the Saviour, which is held to honour Sotiros Christou annually on August 06. Visitors are welcome to join in the traditional festivities of both, which include stalls, entertainment and local food and drink.