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Agia Solomoni Christian Catacomb
Agia Solomoni Christian Catacomb

Located in Kato Pafos (Paphos), Agia Solomoni Church is a chapel that forms part of a small underground complex of chamber tombs from the Hellenistic period. In Medieval times the site was a popular pilgrimage and has also been called ‘The Chapel of the Seven Sleepers’, or ‘The Seven Maccabees’.

Agia Solomoni was one of the first to reject idolatry and embrace Christianity on the island. According to tradition, Solomoni took refuge in the cave to escape persecution from the Romans, but they walled up the entrance, condemning her to a slow and cruel death. However, when the cave was opened 200 years later, the saint walked out alive.

The site consists of an open court, surrounded by five rock-cut chambers, one of which has a spring. The west chamber has an apse set into the west wall and remnants of 12th century Christian wall paintings. The names of 13th century Crusaders are among the graffiti cut into the plaster.

Above the catacombs stands a sacred tree with its branches adorned by colourful rags and bits of clothing left by the faithful as offerings to the saint. It is believed that the tree has curative powers.

GPS coordinates: Lat: 34.761092 Lon: 32.424012
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