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Main 12 - Tour of Marathasa Cycling Route
Main 12 - Tour of Marathasa Cycling Route
The excursion begins in Troodos square and climbs to the west for about 2.5 kilometres when it reaches a turning to the left leading to Mount Olympos from where it goes downhill to the village of Prodromos. It then turns right to the Pinewood area and travels above the village of Pedoulas to reach Kykkos monastery. Here there is an opportunity to stop at the restaurant before going on to Kampos.

A turning to the left before Kampos leads to Stavros tis Psokas to the west and 3.5 kilometres further down, another turning to the left leads to the Cedar Valley. The route continues straight on for another 16 kilometres until another turning to the left, which leads to the Stavros tis Psokas forestry station 3 kilometers along the way.  Here there is a restaurant, a hostel, a picnic site and a camping site, as well as a fenced off area where mouflon (mountain goats) are kept.

Difficulty rate: Quite a difficult course. It requires a road bike with low/ easy gear ratios
Road condition: Paved roads throughout.
Route Description: This excursion links the Troodos area with the Kykko mountains and enables further trips to the northwest coast of the island, along the route from Stavros to Pyrgos or Polis.

To download the route in gpx format click here

Distance: 90.34km
Elevation Gain: 4746m
Highest point: 1824m
Lowest point: 185m
Loop: YES
Terrain: Mountain
Road surface: Paved

  Section Distance (km) Total Distance (km)
Troodos Square 0,0 0,0
Prodromos 8,2 8,2
Pedoulas 3,4 11,6
Kykkos Monastrery 13,7 25,3
Tsakkistra 9,2 34,5
Kampos 2,4 36,9
Oikos 32,6 69,5
Kalopanagiotis 2,2 71,7
Moutoulas 1,4 73,1
Pedoulas 5,8 78,9
Prodromos 3,4 82,3
Troodos Square 8,2 90,5

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