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Church of Panagia Iamatiki
Church of Panagia Iamatiki

The Church of Panagia Iamatiki is situated on the outskirts of the village of Arakapas, and is a three-aisled wooden-roofed church. The church contains sophisticated wall paintings of the early 16th century that are among the most important surviving examples of the Italo-Byzantine style of art on the island.

An extraordinary leather icon of the Virgin (in the nearby new church) is believed to have special curative powers.

Region: Lemesos (Limassol)
Address: Arakapas village, 35,5km from Lemesos
Contact No: Tel: +357 25 622 300 / +357 25 222 679 / +357 99 411 088
Operating Hours: Old Church: call in advance to arrange a visit.
New Church: any reasonable hour.
Operating Period: All year round.
Entrance Fee: Free
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.
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