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Amathus Archaeological Site
Amathus Archaeological Site
The Amathunta Marine Protected Area (MPA) is also known as ‘The Pyramids’ in reference to the artificial reef created there in 2009 with large concrete blocks in the shape of pyramids.

The reef was the island’s first and remains its largest at 2.5 square kilometres, with the name deriving from its location at the old harbour of ancient city kingdom ‘Amathus’.

Fourboulderpyramids forming a square - and approximately another 100 concrete blocks distributed around the area- form the reef.The highest pyramid is 18 metres tall, and the holes inside the structures allow fish to seek shelter and safety, without allowing larger species – or humans – to enter their refuge. A series of statues add further interest for the diver and habitat for marine life.

With such a wonderland created for marine life, the reef was rapidly populated, and today includes a thriving plethora of different species, including bream, grouper, moray eels, octopi and sea urchins, among others.

Location: Amathunta,Lemesos
GPS Coordinates: 34°40'50.34"N 33° 5'4.74"E
Type of Dive Site:Artificial Reef
Depth: 18-35 metres
Visibility:15+ metres
Access:By boat
Qualification Required: Open Water
Dive Category:Recreational
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