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The Canyon
The Canyon

Located under the cliffs on the south side of Cape Gkreko, this site requires a decent level of fitness to meet its challenging entry point but rewards the more experienced diver with its variety of depths and bottom contours.
Characterised by a series of fascinating rock formations - such as walls and canyons – the site is ideal for technical and sidemount diving training.

The marine life is less abundant here than at other sites, but divers will still spot damselfish, grouper, moray eels, octopi and stingrays, with most seen above 20 metres, enchanting all level of diver.
Deep divers can experience a ‘free-falling’ sensation from 10 metres down to a sunken jet ski that lays at 38 metres and offers a popular photo opportunity.

Location:Cape Gkreko - Protaras, Ammochostos region
Coordinates:34° 57'40.41"N 34° 3'51.72"E
Type of Dive Site:Sandy Bottom / Drop-off (cliff)
Depth:20 metres
Visibility:20+ metres
Access:Shore (difficult) / By boat
Qualification Required:Open Water / Boat Diver
Dive Category:Recreational Diving

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