Vous êtes ici:Page d'accueil»Découvrez Chypre»Nature»Cyclisme»Troodos 1 - Troodos - Agios Nikolaos Stegis - Troodos Cycling Route


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Troodos 1 - Troodos - Agios Nikolaos Stegis - Troodos Cycling Route
Troodos 1 - Troodos - Agios Nikolaos Stegis - Troodos Cycling Route
This route descends from Troodos square to the monastery of Agios Nikolaos tis Stegis and climbs steadily from the chromium quarry on the Troodos - Karvounas road, back to Troodos square.

After the Prodromos crossroads, the route goes along a forest road to Agios Nikolaos. From there the it goes along the paved road from Kakopetria to Karvounas, turns right and then climbs Troodos. After almost 9 kilometers of steep uphill the route goes past the Troodos Geopark Information Center in Amiantos. It then reaches the Troodos - Prodromos road and turns left to return to Troodos square.

Difficulty rate: A very difficult route. It requires a 20-speed road bike in good condition.
Road condition: Paved throughout.

To download the route in gpx format click here

Distance: 37.7km
Elevation Gain: 1635m
Highest point: 1824m
Lowest point: 726m
Loop: YES
Terrain: Mountain
Road surface: Paved

  Section Distance (km) Total Distance (km)
Troodos Square 0,0 0,0
Prodromos 8,2 8,2
Ag. Nikolaos tis Stegis 11,6 19,8
Kakopetria 2,6 22,4
Platania 4,5 26,9
Karvounas 2,3 29,2
Pano Amiantos 2,3 31,5
Troodos Square 6,2 37,7

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