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The Dorida natural, circular reef forms part of the Larnaka Marine Protected Area (MPA) that also features the MV Elpida and LEF1 wrecks that were sunk in 2019 to create an artificial reef and enrich marine diversity in the area.

Situated just 600 metres from the coast of Voroklini, the shallow waters make the reef perfect for snorkellers, as well as for a leisurely recreational dive. The reef offers an interesting combination of sandy and rocky substrates, withmeadowsofPosidonia seagrassalso contributing to the optimum environment for a variety of marine organisms, including sponge species and small sea creatures. Divers can see combers, damselfish, fan worms, gobiids,marbled spinefoot rabbitfish, parrotfish, pufferfish, scorpionfish, sea cucumbers and starfish. Larger species include dusky grouper and the greater amberjack. Octopi can also be spotted.

Tour the site virtually here.

Location:Voroklini, Larnaka
GPS Coordinates:34° 57’55.2″N 33° 40’35.6″E
Type of Dive Site:Natural Reef (Circular)
Depth:12 metres
Visibility: 30 metres
Access:By boat (600m from the shore)
Qualification Required:Open Water
Dive Category: Recreational 


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