Sculpture Park Petreon – Mazotos village

Located in the coastal village of Mazotos, 22km outside of Larnaka (Larnaca), the sculpture park of Petreon takes its name from the Greek word for ‘stone’ (‘petra’).

The park consists of a permanent open-air sculpture exhibition – with stone pieces of varying sizes by artist Savvas Koulendros, the Liasidion Amphitheatre, the Archontariki – where various exhibitions are hosted, and a small stone church.

The 8,5 metres high sculpture of Petreos, the man that was born from the stone, dominates over the entire park, whilst the gardens themselves are picturesque with their different cactus species and other flowering plants.

Region: Larnaka
Address: Mazotos, 22km from Larnaka, on the road towards Zygi village
GPS coordinates: Lat: 34.788231 Lon: 33.486757
Contact No: Tel: +357 99 648 116
email: [email protected]
Operating Hours: Open only with appointment.
Organised groups: Winter, daily: 09:00 – 15:30  /   Summer, daily: 09:00 – 18:00
Individuals / general admission: Summer: 16:00 – 18:00
Special considerations / requests can be discussed including private tours of the grounds.
Operating Period: All year round.
Open on all Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: Adults €2,50 / Children €1,50 / Organised groups €2,00
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.