Kampos tou Livadiou (Circular) – Lemesos (Limassol) / Lefkosia (Nicosia) District, Troodos Forest Nature Trail

GPS coordinates of the starting point: Lat: 34.936231 Lon: 32.889129
GPS coordinates of the ending point: Lat: 34.936231 Lon: 32.889129
Altitude of the starting point: 1,680m
Altitude of the highest peak: 1,700m
Altitude of the end peak: 1,680m
Starting point: The road that leads to Kampos tou Livadiou picnic site.
Length: 3km
Estimated duration: 1.5 hour
Difficulty rate: 1 – 2


Points of interest: The first 1,000 metres of the trail are common with the Kampos tou Livadiou – Mnimata Piskopon Trail. With its positioning near the edge of a cliff, the trail offers views toward Chromium River, Solea Valley, Morfou Bay and the tip of Chionistra. It is particularly enjoyable as it passes through thickets of black pine and a significant number of century­ old black pines and junipers. There are also points of geological interest (dunite, harzburgite). The entire trail is located within the Troodos National Forest Park, which is a Natura 2000 area. The picnic site of ‘Kampos tou Livadiou’ has drinking water.

Flora: While hiking you can study the endemic plants: Cyprus skullcap (Scutellaria cypria subsp. cypria), Troodos Alyson (Alyssum troodi), golden oak (Quercus alnifolia), Troodos sage (Salvia willeana) and the indigenous barberry (Berberis cretica) and white beam (Sorbus aria ssp.cretica).