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Ecclesiastical and Viticulture Museums - Koilani village
Ecclesiastical and Viticulture Museums - Koilani village

Located in the mountainous village of Koilani, the Ecclesiastical Museum was created by Lemesos Bishopric to house the ecclesiastical art of the parish, and as a district branch of the larger Byzantine Museum of Lemesos (Limassol).

The museum is housed in the church of Monogenis, and showcases exhibits that span a period of around seven centuries. Included are pieces of an iconostasis from 1735, a 19th century pulpit and altar, old icons (from the 13th - 19th centuries), holy utensils, old books (from the 16th - 19th centuries), a 15th - 16th century ‘epitaphios’ (richly embroidered cloth icon used in special religious services), and other relics.

Nearby to the church is the Viticulture Museum, which is housed in a traditional village house and exhibits viticultural equipment and folk art pieces.

Region: Troodos Area (Lemesos district)
Address: Koilani village
Contact No: Ecclesiastical Museum: +357 25 471 008 / +357 99 213 682
Viticulture Museum: +357 25 471 008 / +357 99 198 789
Operating Hours: By appointment.
Operating Period: All year round.
Closed on Public Holidays.
Entrance Fee: Free
  Opening and closing times as well as entrance fees, are subject to alterations without notice. Visitors are advised to check before visiting.
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