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Sunday, September 19, 2021
Sunday, September 19, 2021

19/09/2021 - 19/09/2021


19 September


Unique Beeswax Candle making workshop

During the workshop "Creating unique natural beeswax candles", our guests initially watchtwo short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief discussion specifically about the beeswax ...

19/09/2021 - 19/09/2021


19 September


Become A Beekeeper for A Day

During the workshop "Become a Beekeeper for a Day" guests watch two short documentaries on life and importance of bees as well as the threats they face, and a brief discussion follows in the Educational ...

19/09/2021 - 19/09/2021


19 September


Wax Ointment, The miraculous gift of nature

On Sunday, September 19, 2021 from 9.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.Women Association of Rural Larnaka is organizing thesecond event of the serires named  "Sundays in the Countryside", with the subject "BeewaxOintments, The miraculous gift of ...

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