You are here:Home»Wydarzenia»Blunefe (In the framework of the 17th Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival)
Blunefe (In the framework of the 17th Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival)
22.7 Blunefe 1 - Christos Yerolatsitis.jpeg

Blunefé is a duet based in Cyprus, formed by Andreas Andreou (oud) and Christos Yerolatsitis (piano) in 2020. The name of the duo comes from the blendingof two different musical scenes that each separately has the ability to combineand balance elements from various music genres.
A word game between "Blues" and "Künefe" showcases the musicians’ open minds and ability to mix elements from Blues, Jazz and the music traditions of the Eastern Mediterraneanregion. The band's sound balances between the West and the East, in the same way that sour cheese blends
with the sweet sugar syrup found in the well-known Künefedessert.
The repertoire primarily includes original music, composed by the main group members Christos Yerolatsitis and Andreas Andreou.
Andreas Andreou: oud
Christos Yerolatsitis: piano
Nicolas Tryphonos: double bass
Omiros Miltiadous: drums 


Parking Place of SΕΚ (Behind of the Rialto Theatre) 
Kyriakou Economou 21, 3040 Limassol
Phone number: 77777745
Fax No.: 25749663
Website: www.rialto.com.cy

Start date/End date:  22 July 2022

Start time/End time:  21:00-22:30

Entrance Price/Τicket: €5 (Free entry for musicians, pupils & students)




Friday, July 22, 2022, 21:00 - 22:30
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